Headlines from Around the Park

NYS passed an ambitious climate law nearly 5-years ago intended to reduce and counteract fossil fuel emissions contributing to climate change. Storing carbon dioxide, a gas released from burning fuel, is key to achieving the goals outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Much of that can be accomplished through protecting carbon-absorbing forests across the state. 

The federal Environmental Protection Agency will no longer fund the Adirondack Park’s longest-running lake monitoring program, which for decades has tracked the region’s gradual recovery from acid rain in over 50 lakes. Adirondack water researchers and advocates have long relied on the monitoring program’s data to study acid rain and other emerging threats, such as climate change and oxygen loss.

Residents and visitors will have the opportunity  this spring to witness an amazing cosmic phenomenon that hasn’t occurred in the ADKs for nearly seven centuries. On April 8, a complex, rare, orbital dance will produce an astronomical event known as a total solar eclipse, or “totality.”

Climate warming and lake browning – when dissolved organic matter from forests turns the water tea-brown – are making the bottom of most lakes in the Adirondacks unlivable for cold water species such as trout, salmon and whitefish during the summer.

Scientists planning a far-reaching survey of climate change want to take the temperature of Adirondack lakes — continuously and at different depths. See what Adirondack lakes can tell us about climate change.

"Leave No Trace" tips for reducing your footprint while enjoying the outdoors in the beautiful Adirondacks.

New data from Lake Champlain basin lakes underscores the extent of salt pollution in Adirondack lakes.

 Northern snakehead are an invasive, predatory fish species native to Asia. Dubbed the “frankenfish,” northern snakehead can breathe air and survive for days out of water. Once established, these voracious predators have the potential to wreak havoc on an aquatic ecosystem – out-competing top predators, throwing off the balance of native fish communities and more.
